Bwana version history
Version: 2.8 (09/05/18)
- Mojave MacOS 10.14 support.
- 64 bit support
Version: 2.7 (09/29/09)
- Updated Firefox script to work with the Firefox 3.5 (Jeffrey Berman)
Version: 2.6 (04/15/09)
- Updated red highlight to bold by drdrang
- French localization by Miguel Saro from Grenoble
Version: 2.5
- Encoding of HTML tags in description of command on the index page
- Support for WebKit for those using the development builds of WebKit
Version: 2.4
- Handles tables displays
- Updates cached pages older than 30 days
- Adds more descriptions to index
- Uses less memory when creating index
- Finds man path locations from your login shell (tkurita)
Version: 2.3 (07/12/07)
- Updated for Leopard
- 10.3.9+ only
- Icon has a white glow for the new Leopard dock
- Focus is in input field when opening Bwana with option key
- Bug fix: index list man sections for paths were not all sections were present (Nathaniel Gray)
Version: 2.2 (05/06/07)
- FZiegler fixed a bug when building an index that requires opening several gzip man pages
Version: 2.1 (17/12/06)
- The 'not found' page brings up a list of all substring matches (thanks Daniel Jalkut)
Version: 2.0 (13/12/06)
- Faster
- Handles zipped man pages such as man:crontab
- Handles pages with a period in the path such as man:launchd.plist
- Handles man pages in non standard locations
- iCab and OmniWeb scripts
- Automatically knows the calling browser without having to change the preferences
- Open URL called from other programs in last used browser by Bwana
- Open many more it couldn't find before like man:s_server.1ssl
- Saves files in Caches for longer caching and faster access to common files
- New header with a search field and index link
Version: 1.9 (31/07/06)
- Universal binary
Version: 1.8 (12/02/06)
- Re-enabled perl modules and other man pages with colon in their name, that were disabled by 1.7 update
Version: 1.7 (31/12/05)
- Updated security measures for prevention of command injection.
Version: 1.6 (04/17/05)
- Update to work with new Safari 1.3 included in 1.3.9 OS X update.
Version: 1.5 (10/12/04)
- Access to the internal AppleScripts used by Bwana.
Version: 1.4 (12/11/04)
- MANPATH is cached for faster loading. (Refreshing the index, reloads the MANPATH)
- Ability to use Firefox, Internet Explorer or Camino.
Version: 1.3 (11/11/04)
- Due to popular demand MANPATH used to determine man page paths.
- All man pages in different paths included in index
- Index used from file when present for quick access
- Link to refresh index on index page, command is "man:index_refresh"
- Unknown index section at beginning removed
- Added /opt/local/share/man to default group of paths if MANPATH fails.
Version: 1.2 (11/11/04)
- Added the following man path search locations:
- /urs/local/man
- /usr/local/share/man
- /usr/X11R6/man
- /sw/share/man
Version: 1.1 (10/11/04)
- Searches more possible man file locations.
- Searches for files with special ending like wattrset.3x as well, if not provided.
- Copy paste ability for window.
Version: 1.0 (10/11/04)
- Added an Index page, call with "man:"
- Fixed a solid underlining problem in grep.1 page.
- Fixed headers withmore than one word all bold.
Release 0.9 (09/11/04)
- Everything