Using the new iTunes8 genre artwork in DVDpedia.

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Using the new iTunes8 genre artwork in DVDpedia.

Post by Jonas »


In the new version of iTunes (8) there are some really cool artwork for various movie genres that I thought it would be nice to use in DVDPedia as well.

My idea was to use a "Info View"-template that has a small cover image (for example the Collection 2-template), and then replace the image of the cover with the artwork for the genre instead. (Since I have the large cover visible under the Collections (to the left) in DVDPedia, I do not need the cover image in the Info View as well).

I started by creating a folder with the name "genre" inside "Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/intoTemplates/Images/".

Then open a new Finder window and go to your Applications-folder, right click on iTunes and choose to show the Package Contents. Then go into the folder Contents/Resources and you find the images (jpg-files) for all the genres. They have names such as genre-actionM.jpg and genre-dramaM.jpg.
Note that the M at the end of the name indicates that it is artwork for a movie genre (the files without the M at the end are artwork for music genres).

Now copy all the "genre"-images that ends with M to the folder "Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/intoTemplates/Images/genre/" and the rename all the files in that folder, from "genre-actionM.jpg" to "action.jpg", and from "genre-dramaM.jpg" to "drama.jpg" and so on.

Then open the Info View Template html-file with your html-editor and replace the code <img src="genre/[key:genre].jpg" alt="No Images width="120" border="0"> with <img src = "images/genre/[key: genre]. jpg "alt =" No Image "width =" 120 "border =" 0 ">

Since the artwork files are pretty big (171x256 pixels) I think the width="120" works fine.

This can of course also be done with the artwork for the music genres if you are a user of CDPedia.

I don't know if this is something that others will be using, but I think it is nice to have something more than just text in the Info View. And if there are other people that use this, then maybe we can make our own artwork for the missing genres and post them here. :D

Last edited by Jonas on Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Using the new iTunes8 genre artwork in DVDpedia.

Post by Conor »

That is a nice addition, thank you for creating that. We have always thought of adding black and white silhouettes in a similar vain, but the iTunes images are quite nice.
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Re: Using the new iTunes8 genre artwork in DVDpedia.

Post by Jonas »

I found that a lot of custom artwork can be found here (along with the standard artwork from iTunes)
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