Smart Collections with AND and OR operators

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Smart Collections with AND and OR operators

Post by caseelse »


First of all, thanks for this great piece of software. I've got almost 500 DVD's and a number of old VHS cassettes and I used to organise them using a hand-made Access database. Do I really have to point out how much easier DVDpedia is to use?!? :D

There is one addition, however, which would have me love DVDpedia even more. I'm trying to create a Smart Collection which contains all the movies my kids can watch:
Rating contains "U"
Rating contains "E"
Rating contains "PG"
Rating contains "12"

However, at the same time I only want DVDpedia to list only the DVD's but not the VHS cassettes because a while ago I disconnected my VCR. So I would need to combine the 4 conditions above with an OR operator and add an additional condition with an AND operator:
Format is "DVD"

Unfortunately, there is only one "Match" drop-down list in the Smart Collection dialog which sets "all" or "any" for all the conditions listed here.

Would it be possible to add a drop-down list to each condition which allows you to select "AND" and "OR" indiviually?
Do you understand what I mean?
(I'm using DVDpedia in German, so some of the English software options I quoted could be slightly off :? )
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Re: Smart Collections with AND and OR operators

Post by caseelse »

Sorry, it's me again. I guess, it was too late for me yesterday to think clearly :roll:

I solved the problem myself:
  1. First, I created a new folder.
  2. In this new folder I created 4 Smart Collections, one for each rating I wanted listed PLUS the filter criterium "Format is DVD". (With "Match" set to "all".)
  3. The folder now lists the contents of all four Smart Collections contained in it. So, now I've got exactly what I wanted.
Well, maybe this helps someone else.

Have a great weekend 8)
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Re: Smart Collections with AND and OR operators

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the kind words about DVDpedia. I am glad you were able to figure out the solution. DVDpedia is flexible but simple at the same time so some of the more advance options and smart collections require a little setup. The other possible solution was to create a smart collection of all the the kid rated movies using only the OR operator and then create a second smart collection that was "movie is in collection 'kid movies' AND format is DVD".
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Re: Smart Collections with AND and OR operators

Post by caseelse »

Conor wrote:then create a second smart collection that was "movie is in collection 'kid movies' AND format is DVD".
Hi Conor,
Thanks for the tip. See, I wasn't aware that this was possible :shock: . I guess, I'll have to look through all the possibilities of DVDpedia in more detail first. Cool, looks like I've got the next few days cut out for me :wink:
Have a great one
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