ebooks - several suggestions

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ebooks - several suggestions

Post by vollkontakt »

Hi there,

have been playing around with Bookpedia just now and it seems great! I have a few suggestions though. I do actually have more ebooks than physical books at the moment, so I will use it mainly to sort my ebooks. I really love the pdf reader "Skim" and was wondering if it was possible to specify the application that is used to open the linked .pdf files? Basically instead of using what looks like adobe acrobat inside Bookpedia, I would like to be able to open the linked file quickly in Skim. Also: In the main view it'll be helpful if there was a 'show in finder' right click option to navigate quickly to the file! And lastly, have you thought about .chm support?

Maybe some of these features have been implemented already but I haven't discovered them yet, so apologies if that's the case.

Take care,

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Re: ebooks - several suggestions

Post by Conor »

Bookpedia asks the Finder to open the file, so to have "Skim" open PDF files set it as the default PDF viewer. Select the file in the Finder and select the get info command under the file menu. In the information panel there is "an open with" option to set "Skim" as the program to open that file with. Then use "change all" to change all the files of the same type to default to using "Skim", otherwise you have to set "Skim" for each file.

Thank you for the suggestion on the show in Finder command.

CHM is a proprietary format from Microsoft, that although has been reversed engineered is still hard to support it as it's not documented nor was it meant to be used by others. On the mac I would set Archmock as your default CHM viewer, this way you will get a better browser dedicated to CHM files, but you can still launch them from Bookpedia as you do PDFs. Archmoc is also free.

The beta version of Bookpedia does read the open format epub files. So if you do have the chance to download epub files give it a try with Bookpedia. You can drag .epub files over the Bookpedia icon on the dock and it will create a new book and extract the information it can from the file. It will also handle the link and show the epub file in the info view.
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Re: ebooks - several suggestions

Post by vollkontakt »

Many thanks for the quick reply! Will get a licence straight away now, thank you.
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