am I able to delete an entry in one of my lists in a way so that DVDPedia also kills the Library entry?
Actually I am always moving to the lib for deleting an entry... thats quite awkward.
Would be great to have an option cmd+delete to delete the library entry as well. Is that possible?
Delete entry from list -> library?
Re: Delete entry from list -> library?
Leave the command key out, it's option-delete, like iTunes.
Leave the command key out, it's option-delete, like iTunes.
Re: Delete entry from list -> library?
What do you mean with "option-delete"? I'm sorry I don't know the way in iTunes either
I'm Mac user just for a few weeks now

I'm Mac user just for a few weeks now

Re: Delete entry from list -> library?
If you are in a collection that is not your library collection and you want to remove and entry from all collections hold down the option key and press delete. The option key used to be labeled option, but is now "alt" or "⌥" (next to the command key, both of them). That was my mistake Apple removed option from the keyboard recently but my mind still thinks of it as the option key and not alternative key (although that is a better fitting name for the job it has been doing all these years).
Re: Delete entry from list -> library?
Great, thank you!
Re: Delete entry from list -> library?
Keyboard Shortcuts under the iTunes Help menu might be helpful to you. And a Google search for "OS X" "Keyboard Shortcuts".thowi wrote:What do you mean with "option-delete"? I'm sorry I don't know the way in iTunes either