[CDPEDIA] iTunes sync

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[CDPEDIA] iTunes sync

Post by stygyan »

Hello, I just started adding CDs and I've found this problem: When linking songs in iTunes, it doesn't work as good as it should; for example, I just got the Iron Maiden Flight 666 album, and it recognizes all of the songs inside it even before ripping it, just because they're live versions of another songs I've got in iTunes.

Sometimes I even have to change song names because of little differences (caps, a [live] added at the end, a comma).

I would like to ask: would it be possible to correct linked songs by hand? As in: look for this songs in here. It would be a extremely useful addition, we could rely on the automatic way until we found a mistake, and then correct it by hand.

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Re: [CDPEDIA] iTunes sync

Post by Conor »

CDpedia does use the song and album name and can get confused with tracks that have such similarities or such small punctuation changes. Thank you for the feedback on a need to create a stricter match.
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Re: [CDPEDIA] iTunes sync

Post by thajeztah »

I've had the same issue; It really seems that CDPedia only matches 'Artist' and 'Trackname' and doesn't compare the 'Albumname' to match (i.e. any track with the same name by the same artist will create a link).

@stygyan I also added [live], or even [live@.....] to various tracks to make CDPedia link to the right track LOL :lol:
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