MoviePosterDB is a great web page and a good resource. The problem at the moment is that their API only delivers posters at a 300 pixel resolution (larger resolutions are bought and help pay for hosting costs). However more importantly it only delivers the first poster for the movie which tends to be the same poster that IMDb carries.
So to achieve the second solution proposed, all that needs to be done is remove the all calls to "amazonImageForAsin:" in the IMDb plug-in
source. If you don't have Xcode you can download a
built version here to unzip and replace your current plug-in inside the program at "".
The third solution is most interesting and many similar ideas have been used in the info view template by users as they can be customized for each users needs. For example
Leo's has a button that opens up the movie trailer at and one that searches for the cover in Google. To implement somehting similar you would modify your favorite info view template to include the link:
Code: Select all
<a href="[key:imdb]" >Movie Poster</a>
This will lead to the movie poster page where you can drag and drop to set the cover. You could even have links open the page directly inside DVDpedia and by ctrll clicking an image to display the contextual menu you will have the option to set that image as the current image for the selected movie. Thanks to Noribori you could set the above link directly to the image using the API information link, but that would mean you would only have access to the first image as mentioned above which would be the same as the modfied IMDb plug-in.
The first solution is the most involved and one we are considering for the future. A new feature has to be well integrated into the program in order to make sense to those users that are not as familiar with Movie Poster DB. Their site is all about user generated content and sharing that information they are growing rapidly and I am sure they will develop their API further. Once all the images can be requested it will make sense to consider an image selection browser for downloads from Movie Poster. Even potentially an upload as well to contribute images back into the database if the API allows it.