DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

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Bruji Friend
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DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by BrennanBones »

I have updated my libraries for both BookPedia and DVDPedia. As such, I want to sync them to my ipod touch to show the changes. BookPedia syncs without a problem. With DVDPedia, however, I get 'Synchronizing... Requesting collections.' followed by 'Syncrhonizing... No data recieved in two minute. Please try again by restarting both Pocketpedia and DVDpedia.' (there's spelling mistakes on that screen, btw. I wrote what was written).

I did restart both DVDPedia as well as PocketPedia, but there's no change. I know my ipod touch and macbook pro can communicate between each other, since my BookPedia library was able to sync.

Anything else I can do to make it work?

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Re: DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by Conor »

Take a look at your console log on your computer with the program of the same name to see if there are any errors from DVDpedia. One small bug that might be affecting is that if you have a large number of smart collections or smart collection that take a long time to update (smart collections based on credits) the two minute time out might pass before DVDpedia starts to transmit it's updated information. If that is the case remove a few smart collections and try it out again. Otherwise you can try a dedicated network, under the airport symbol on your menu bar chose the "create network" option and then connect your iPod Touch to that new network and try a sync.
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Re: DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by BrennanBones »

I don't know much when it comes to errors, but it seems to be having a problem with Antidote (french dictionary type software)... but I've always had that, and never had a problem before.

The errors I get during the 2 minutes:
28/07/09 11:22:08 AM DVDpedia[71318] Error loading /Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin/Contents/MacOSClassic/Antidote - MC CFM: dlopen(/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin/Contents/MacOSClassic/Antidote - MC CFM, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin/Contents/MacOSClassic/Antidote - MC CFM: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x4A 0x6F 0x79 0x21 0x70 0x65 0x66 0x66

28/07/09 11:22:08 AM DVDpedia[71318] Error loading /Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin/Contents/MacOSClassic/Antidote - MC CFM: dlopen(/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin/Contents/MacOSClassic/Antidote - MC CFM, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin/Contents/MacOSClassic/Antidote - MC CFM: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x4A 0x6F 0x79 0x21 0x70 0x65 0x66 0x66

28/07/09 11:22:08 AM DVDpedia[71318] Cannot find function pointer AntiCMPlugInFactory for factory E7083DE8-B37D-11D9-9B46-000D935563B0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x17647190 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC CFM.plugin> (not loaded)

28/07/09 11:22:08 AM DVDpedia[71318] Error loading /Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Antidote - MC: dlopen(/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Antidote - MC, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Antidote - MC: mach-o, but wrong architecture

28/07/09 11:22:08 AM DVDpedia[71318] Cannot find function pointer AntiCMPlugInFactory for factory E7083DE8-B37D-11D9-9B46-000D935563B0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x17679c20 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)

28/07/09 11:22:08 AM DVDpedia[71318] Cannot find function pointer AntiCMPlugInFactory for factory E7083DE8-B37D-11D9-9B46-000D935563B0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x17679c20 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/Antidote - MC.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
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Re: DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by Conor »

Does the sync work if you remove Antidote from /Library/Contextual Menu Items/ and restart your system?
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Re: DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by BrennanBones »

Alone, it didn't work. But after removing it and restarting my mac, I tried the dedicated server thing again... and it worked now.

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Re: DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by BrennanBones »

*hits head* I just found out why the sync stopped working normally... Looking at my other computer (which I rarely go on), it said 'iPhone Sync. An iPhone is trying to synchronize data for the first time. Allow the connection?' So when pressing 'sync' on my ipod touch, it was trying to access my old macbook instead of my new one.

So mystery solved :D
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Re: DVDPedia not syncing to iPod touch

Post by Conor »

So mystery solved.

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