Bookpedia: Mass import books via links

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Bookpedia: Mass import books via links

Post by valerina »


I'm a new user of Bookpedia, but this is the most usefull and full of features librarian application .
However I'm still looking for such an app that can create a library from my books, saved on the computer.
I have a lot of books, most of them named with the apropriate title and/or ISBN and/or Publisher and/or Year.
So I want to import in Bookpedia the names of the files and the links to them at once by showing the containing folder ( with option for recursive references) and the type of files: pdf, djvu, doc, fb2.... It will be great if we have options to tell that the files' names contain ISBN, Publisher name and Year.

After creating a library in such a way, we may use the functions of Bookpedia to find all the other information.

I really believe that such kind of feature will be very interesting to all users.

Best Regards: Valeriya Simeonova
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Re: Bookpedia: Mass import books via links

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback. Bookpedia will recognize a few file types as books (PDF, epub) and import them when dragged over the dock icon. Since you have a lot of formats this mass import would not work for you. The feature you are describing is not an easy feature to implement as there are so many variables. However, Bookpedia does support a tab delimited import so if you can arrange a text list of all these files with the respective links you could then import this information into Bookpedia. As a human your going to make fewer mistakes massaging all this data into the right format than Bookpedia would trying to interpret it. BBEdit with regular expression and Excel would be useful in working with the data. It would need to end up looking something like this:

Title ISBN Link
A Book 9781234567891 file://Users/me/books/abook.pdf
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