Bookpedia Wordcat/OCLC

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Bookpedia Wordcat/OCLC

Post by axelrod »

Could you please add the Worldcat database as a search source? It is really a better, richer, more exact reference than something like Amazon. Adding OCLC numbers into the Bookpedia database would be a great help as they seem to be more definitive than ISBN alone (and more available - Bookpedia simply cannot find a fairly large number of texts I search for, but I know they are in Worldcat). Indeed, anything before 1960 or so won't have an ISBN number assigned...
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Re: Bookpedia Wordcat/OCLC

Post by Conor »

We have looked at Worldcat and are hoping to include them in the future when access it allowed to non-members. From the API page:
Use of the WorldCat Search API is presently limited to employees of qualifying institutions that both contributes their library holdings to WorldCat.
We have written to them in the past, but don't hesitate to send them an email letting them know you also look forward to being able to use Worldcat with Bookpedia.
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