SUGGESTIONS: I wouldn't mind having an explicit Duplicate command, like File > Duplicate (Command-D) in Finder. And being able to use Option-Drag to create unique duplicate copies of items in other collections.eromalodi wrote:I see now that I should have copied, then pasted the original entries rather than dragging them.
BUG(?): Also, there's this black arrow that always appears in the corner of items dragged over a collection:

(sorry for the cruddy image)
That's always confused to me because it looks like Finder's alias-creation indicator but appears when items are actually being moved between collections.
Here's an interesting scenario, with at least one bug and suggestion thrown in:
Use File > New Collection from Selection (Shift-Command-N) to create a new included collection from items selected from the built-in excluded Wish List collection. Rename the new collection to something more permanent, e.g. Must See.
Now the real fun begins …
BUG: Select Wish List in the sidebar, then right-click Must See. A focus ring will appear around Must See, but commands under the context menu are still applicable to Wish List (e.g. Include Collection in Library).
CONFUSION/BUG(?): Select Must See in the sidebar and either open the menubar File menu or right-click to view the context menu. Notice Exclude Collection from Library in the list, but Exclude Collection from Wish List would be more accurate. However, if you create another included collection from items selected in Must See then it still has references to those items in Wish List. So, which collection would that new collection be excluded from?
SUGGESTION: Backtracking a bit, if I want to more items from Wish List to also be in Must See there doesn't seem to be any way to do it other than creating a temporary included collection from Wish List, dragging "aliased" items from it into Must See, then removing the temp collection. What I'd like to do is Option-Command-Drag from Wish List to Must See, with that black arrow shown above appearing in the corner to indicate the items are being "aliased" from one collection to another. There could also be a Finder-like green-circle '+' indicator when Option-Drag copying items, if that were supported (as suggested earlier).
Partly derived from comments/examples above, here's a brief summary of general areas for improvement:
• Easily move/copy/alias items, with clear indication of the action, between one or more included/excluded collections
• Easily differentiate when identical looking duplicate items are are aliases vs. unique copies
• Easily identify which collection(s) items are in (workaround: include Collection Names in View Options) and any connections between collections
Hope that mostly makes sense. Certain things are tough to describe in a relatively short space and with enough detail to understand.