Bookpedia-review features

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Addicted to Bruji
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Bookpedia-review features

Post by Eric »

I'd love to see Bookpedia include the ability to embed reviews as in Librarian Pro software. It is neat and sometimes useful to have reviews from on-line sources (like reviews on, but I would specifically like the ability to embed my own reviews and perhaps other review-like evaluative text referring to a given book. Metadata for reviews should include author, date of review, source of review, and some other keyword identifiers for the review and/or its author.
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Re: Bookpedia-review features

Post by Conor »

Hi Eric,

There are no specific field for reviews as there are so many formatting options. But Bookpedia has a linking ability that will connect a book to almost any file or resource. A shortcut for creating these links is dragging URLs or files over the info view of a Book in Bookpedia. You could link directly to the online sources or to local .webarchive or PDF files if you like to keep copies of the information on your computer. For simpler reviews you could link to regular text files. All these files types are ones that when later clicked on for viewing can be displayed within Bookpedia.
Addicted to Bruji
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Re: Bookpedia-review features

Post by Eric »

Thank you! I really appreciate your keeping on top of these posts! I realize that can be done in Bookpedia, and probably I could adapt to it. Thanks for the response and explanation!
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Re: Bookpedia-review features

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback. It's always good to know what people are doing and hope to do with our programs.
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