Management of tow (or more) distincts libraries (bookpedia)

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Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Management of tow (or more) distincts libraries (bookpedia)

Post by marco.24 »

Hi all,

I just bought Bookpedia yesterday, and I have some specific questions...

I wish to use Bookpedia in order to manage tow distincts libraries : one dedicated for my books, novels, and another one dedicated to US and French comics (with the plugin iBédé).
Apparently, this is not supported. Si someone knows if that's planned or in developpment for a next release ?
Or perhaps, I don't find the solution - I'm a rookie :)
I'v tried to create 2 distincts directory which contains smart list. It seems OK, but the results looks like... not efficient (the wished books are commons and not distincts Wished Books lists, ...)
Do you have another solution to fixed it ? Perhaps, can I create two files .pediadata ?

And, I wish to order to class my books in a detailed way, with a good arborescence. Generally, a single level of arborescence is enough (the name of a trilogy, or a serie, which contains all the volumes). But, for examples, for books about Frank Herbert's Dune, or Peter F. Hamilton's The Night's Dawn Trilogy, a second level is recquired.
I wish to create a first level to define the "Universe" : like "The Universe of Dune". This first level contains a second level, for the sub-universe (Legends of Dune, Prelude to Dune, Dune...), and each second level contains the books (Legends of Dune contains The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, The Battle of Corrin; and Dune contains : Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, ...)
But, it seems, that I can not create many smart lists in one smart list. Have I misunderstood? Where can I find some informations about caracteristics of lists, smart lists, etc. ?
(For The Night's Dawn Trilogy, there's 3 books, but, in the USA and in France, one volume is published in 2 or 3 volumes, that's why I need to have a two-level arborescence)

I hope to be clear in my explanation

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Re: Management of tow (or more) distincts libraries (bookped

Post by Conor »

Hi Marc,

For the two distinct libraries I would recommend creating two data folders (in essence two .pediadata) files as you suggested. To do this move or rename your main data folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia without Bookpedia running. Then launch Bookpedia again and it will create a brand new empty data folder. In the future to switch between folders launch Bookpedia while holding down the option key and then select the .pediadata you would like to use. Do make backups more often of both folders as having more than one database can lead to confusion and changing data accidentally.

Some things are stored in a preference file, such as the custom field name (that iBede sets) and fields that are currently displayed and these settings you will have to share across databases.

You could also use excluded collections (after creating a collection, change to excluded under the file menu) to keep separate sets of Books, but from your description it sounds like you want to be able to really manage both sets of data extensible and that would be easier with two databases.

For the smart collection that are grouped together you can place them inside a folder. You can then select the folder to view all the collections together and you then have the ability to drill down into them for more specific groupings. You can also place folders, inside other folders. Another way of grouping collection like those, is by using a custom field and the series field and then sorting by these columns in order. Sorting falls back to the previous selected columns when a value matches in the current selected column.
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: Management of tow (or more) distincts libraries (bookped

Post by marco.24 »

Thanks for your help !!

I've created 2 .pediadata files as you described. Then I've created 2 alias in order to avoid the launching while holding the OPtion key, easier...

thanks again


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