Genre Drop-down Menu?

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Genre Drop-down Menu?

Post by Jeff2020 »

Haven't used Bookpedia much since purchasing and just updated to new version today.

I could have sworn the Genre field was a drop-down box to select from a list, but all I see now is a blue bubble.

Did something change?
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Re: Genre Drop-down Menu?

Post by Conor »

Hi Jeff,

We updated the genre field to allow working with multiple values easier. The blue bubbles are treated individually, due to this change it means it's not a single value and the drop down is not present. The field will autofill as usual as you begin typing but it does mean you have to know what genre you desire instead of browsing a possible list. We hope to continue the improvements and be able to add a possibility list (drop down) to have the best of both types of fields.
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