Bookpedia update won't load

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Bookpedia update won't load

Post by tas033 »

I was not sure if this belonged here or in bugs.
I updated to the newest version today. After I clicked install and restart, the install happened but the program did not restart. I clicked on the icon in the dock - it bounced but nothing happened. I restarted and then shut down and stared up the machine but the same results.
I found the backup1Months.pediadata and clicked on it. It opened. Then I stupidly clicked again on update with the same results as above.
Now the backup1Months file is gone and I cannot get the backup2 and backup3 to open.
I am running 10.4.11. The program worked fine until today's update.
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Re: Bookpedia update won't load

Post by tas033 »

I redownloaded the program. When I click on the image, the dock moves like something is going to open, but nothing happens. If I move the icon to the dock and click on it, it bounces, but nothing opens
All of the data files as well as two of the previous months backups are still in the folder I moved them to callled oldpedia.The information still exists - I was able to import the books into another program.
I have tried downloading the demo of the program but still nothing happens when I try to open it.
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Re: Bookpedia update won't load

Post by tas033 »

Follow up 2
I found an old copy of Bookpedia 3.1.2 in my documents and installed it. It works fine but it cannot read the newer files from the later version (I copied and pasted them from the ones I had moved to another folder). When I asked 3.1.2 to update, it told me the latest version was 4.1 something. When I tried to update it, I got the most recent version, which would then not open, it just bounces.

I later found an old copy of 4.6.2 online. Installed it, copy and pasted the old files, and everything came back up.

I would love to know why 4.6.4 did not work.
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Re: Bookpedia update won't load

Post by Nora »

Could you please have a look at your console log, see if there are any messages from Bookpedia? You can access the console log via the application 'Console', located inside your Applications/Utilities. The newer messages are towards the end of the log.

There might also be a crash report listed for Bookpedia. If you could please have a look at ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Bookpedia.crash.log and send us that as well.
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Re: Bookpedia update won't load

Post by tas033 »

Here is part of the crash report log. It said the same thing over and over, the only difference being which version I was trying to open, and the PID number seems to change with each entry. Sometimes the version listed is as below, 4.6.4. The first version listed is 4.2.1

As I said, version 4.6.2 is up and working fine, with all of my files there.

This whole situation makes me nervous about updating Bookpedia, CDpedia and DVDpedia beyond the versions I have now.

Host Name: evan-landrums-mac-mini
Date/Time: 2011-02-23 10:45:31.980 -0500
OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
Report Version: 4

Command: Bookpedia
Path: /Users/evanlandrum/Documents/pedias updates/
Parent: WindowServer [56]

Version: 4.6.4 (4.6.4)

PID: 400
Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/evanlandrum/Documents/pedias updates/
Reason: image not found
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Re: Bookpedia update won't load

Post by tas033 »

I spoke too soon. All is not well with version 4.6.2. All my books are there but when I go to the add/edit window none of the usual listed information (date bought, where bought, last read, cost etc.) is there. The same is true of the info view if I click on one of the titles. Under the 'Extra' heading, all the info I have added for that book is there, but none of rest of the usual headings. In the main column view, all of the entries are there it their proper column, but I can't add any other info.

When I add a new book, the Extra tab is completely empty. I put anything in the columns, I have to go to the column view and do it column by column.
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Re: Bookpedia update won't load

Post by Nora »

What's happening with the fields in the Extras tab of the Add/Edit window is most likely the 'Show All/Hide Empty' toggle. You will find this on the bottom left of the window. That button will either show all fields, regardless of whether they contain data or not, or hide those that are empty. If toggling that button doesn't fix the problem, please let me know. (The Info View always displays only those fields that contain information, empty ones are automatically left out.)

To change the sorting of the author column, hold down the Option key and re-sort the author column by clicking on its header.

As for the update that won't work - we're looking at your files here and will let you know when we have a solution. (I mentioned in my email that the problem was your OS but I was looking at older crash logs you had included. In the latest one it obviously shows that you're running 10.4.11. Sorry about that.)
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