
Tell us about your wildest feature dreams. Or just harmless suggestions for improvement.
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Bruji Friend
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Post by marco.24 »


Is something is planned with iCloud ?

Sync bewteen the stand alone software (bookpedia, dvdpedia...) and iCloud in order to consult our library on our iPhone (or iPad) ??

It would be great :D :D


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Re: iCloud

Post by Conor »

We are very excited about iCloud and of course plan to integrate it into all our products.
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Re: iCloud

Post by FineWine »

Yea for iCloud and the pedias :D

The only down side of iCloud is I will loose our family web site on http://web.mac.com/chasandstephen/chasa ... lcome.html which I have spent hours doing over the years :( :cry:
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Re: iCloud

Post by Conor »

MobileMe will be missed, but the future of having information being ubiquitous without having to remember to sync devices or use iTunes is very exciting. We are in the process of trying to migrate our own personal picture gallery to Flicker, as nobody really know what will be possible with iPhoto and the iCloud and if set collections will be an option. Luckily MobileMe will continue to exist for a while year to allow for migrations we learn more about iCloud.
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