Search and replace functions

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Search and replace functions

Post by ufoufo »


I just bought the Gamepedia and it is good. I cataloged my console video game collection (little over 500 games) with it. Computer games are still to do.

One thing that I am unable to find is an advanced search & replace functionality. I give an example, if this function already is in the program and I didn't just find it, sorry for that. Let's say I have added games and depending on various things there could be different platform strings for the same platform, like: "xbox", "Xbox", "Microsoft XBox" and so on. I would like to change these all platform strings to "Microsoft XBox" for example. I don't know easy way to do that, except manually one by one or modifying the database directly. I would like to be able to use search and replace for a given field (like the platform) or to be able to predefine which platform strings are allowed when I manually add a new game.
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Re: Search and replace functions

Post by Conor »


Thank you for the feedback, we don't have a find and replace yet in the current version. You can use the multiple edit feature to select all the movies with Xbox in the platform (via a smart collection or by sorting the platform column) and then clear out the platform field by checking it and leaving it blank to clear all the values and then repeating with the same selection to add "Microsoft XBox". It's a two step process because the platform field being a multi-value, blue bubble field, behaves by appending new values when entries with different values for that field are selected. If you select only entries that have "xbox" then you would be able to replace "xbox" that would appear in the multiple edit (as all the entries share that value) for "Microsoft XBox".

If there a lot of replacement to do you can do it directly in the database in the meantime as you mentioned. This can be done with a program called Terminal in your /Applications/Utilities folder. First make a backup of your database file by making a duplicate as SQL is very powerful and can allow you to replace a lot of text by mistake. The file is located in your home folder at ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/Database.pediadata. The command you would use are the following one on each line:

Code: Select all

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd
update zEntry set zPlatform = replace(zPlatform, 'Xbox', 'Microsoft XBox');
update zEntry set zPlatform = replace(zPlatform, 'xbox', 'Microsoft XBox');
Repeat the two middle lines any other names that you would want to update. I apologize it's a bit more technical with the current version but we will be integrating a UI find and replace into the upcoming version.
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