My aladin plugin doesn't work in 5.0.1

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My aladin plugin doesn't work in 5.0.1

Post by djhan »

Hello, I'm DJ.HAN.

I was developed korean internet bookstore 'aladin' plugin for bookpedia 5.0.
(I found new plugin sample in your site)
link :

But this plugin doesn't work in bookpedia 5.0.1. Why?

I can't expected compatible trouble in minor upgrade. It's very very very disappointed.....
anyway, please tell me a solution for this trouble.

thanks, good luck.
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Re: My aladin plugin doesn't work in 5.0.1

Post by Nora »

There were no changes to the plug-in feature in 5.0.1. Can you please give me the exact error you're getting and include whatever other details might help us figure out what's causing the problem?
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Re: My aladin plugin doesn't work in 5.0.1

Post by djhan »

OK, I was re-build my project. Then, the plugin was work fine.... It's curious.

Anyway, I'm sorry. :oops:
Thanks for your support. Please have a good day
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