HTML Export not working correctly any more

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Black Smurf
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HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Black Smurf »


I've used for a long time now a slightly adapted variant of the FancyIndex template to export my DVD collection to HTML. But recently, it stopped working correctly. The entries in the list are not connected to the detailed information any more - if I click on an entry, the window that opens is empty instead of containing information.
This also happens with the original FancyIndex template, or others that create a similar output (i.e. a list that opens new information windows for entries clicked upon), e.g. ChiaScuDVDcovers, where a few links actually work correctly but most do not.

Is perhaps my DVDpedia database damaged? If so, what can be done to repair it?
Or has something changed in the app that makes certain old HTML templates obsolete?

Forgot to mention: I'm using DVDpedia 5.3 under OS X 10.9.4.
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Conor »

I have not been able to repeat it, but I will take a deeper look and get back to you with a fix or asking for more info so that I can get it fixed. If you need to export right away, you can find the previous version here. Thank you for the bug report.
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Conor »

I have still failed to repeat the issue and the export works correctly for me. Could you please email me your database.dvdpd file so that I can try with your exact data. Also do let me know your export settings for the template.

You will find the database in your data folder located in your home folder at ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd. Under Lion you must use the Finder menu "Go -> Go To..." command and enter "~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia" to open the folder. Once there select the Database.dvdpd and use the "Compress" command under the main "File" menu. This will create a .zip version that you can then attach to an email message.

Thank you for all the help in finding this elusive bug.
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Black Smurf »

I will email you my Database when I am at home again (this evening).
Using the older pedia version did not help - I fear I have used the Export/FTP-upload functionality for a while now without much checking if the results are as expected... :oops:

Thank you for your efforts - great support as always! :)
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Conor »

Please try a brand new upload instead of an update to see if it fixes the issue. You can do this by holding down the option key when clicking the upload button. The upload will take longer but all the detail entries will be re uploaded so that they should match. I'll still look into the FTP update to make sure the details are being exported by UID and not by incremental ID.
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Black Smurf »

Conor wrote:Please try a brand new upload instead of an update to see if it fixes the issue. You can do this by holding down the option key when clicking the upload button.
This is actually what I did when I discovered the problem - before I always did incremental updates and that seemed to word (or I didn't detect errors).
If I do a simple HTML export (without FTP) the problem occurs (that is what is also done in a complete upload, right?)
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Conor »

The regular HTML export is what is done before the upload to a temporary folder. I am actually testing the issue by doing the regular HTML export, but I have been unable to repeat it even with your database. Could you please send me a screenshot of the HTML export screen, it could be a simple setting that I am missing that causes the bug. Also do let me know one entry that is not matching in case the issue is that I am picking randomly the correct movies. Every setting I have tried plus, searching and filtering in the actual export leads to the correct results.

You also mentioned that you are using a modified version of Fancy Index? Do please email me the template from the data folder in "Templates" so that I can try your own modified version. As the shipping version of Fancy Index seems to be working correctly.

Kind regards,
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Black Smurf »

Since the error does not appear when you do the export, I tried varying something else - the browser - and found out:
The exported page works fine with Safari, but does not work with Chrome!

I've been using Chrome for years now, so I did not think of this possibility. Seems it was most likely an update of Chrome (currently V36.0.1985.143) which caused the problem (and Chrome updates silenty in the background...) and not DVDpedia.

Just to check things, I downloaded Firefox (V31) and the page works there as it should.

Sorry to have bothered you with a problem that did come from another source!
Now I have to find out how to adapt the export so it works with Chrome again.
(BTW the export from the regular Fancy Index also does not work in Chrome for me).
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by FineWine »

Interesting discovery! I wonder how many other templates do not work in Chrome? I personally have never tried it, being a Firefox nut. I mean Google does like to bend/break the rules and besides they are responsible for (shudder) Andriod (shudder).
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Re: HTML Export not working correctly any more

Post by Conor »

Quite the discovery. Thank you for doing that debugging, I would have never tried Chrome as Safari and then Firefox are my primary browsers. That means it's likely something in the sorting code that Chrome is not liking as Fancy Index has the ability to sort and filter in real time. Since it's the only template with such a system, it's likely the only affected template. Marumari is the original creator of the template and might know more about the code, but I shall loo at the JavaScript file and see if anything pop up at me that can be updated or fixed.
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