Credits for CDpedia
Credits for CDpedia
DVDpedia has Credits where cast and crew information can be entered. Would it be possible to add this to CDpedia? It would be great for entering musicians with what instrument they play and other production roles not available in the default fields. 

Re: Credits for CDpedia
Thanks for feedback, I can see how that would be useful.
Re: Credits for CDpedia
...I second this request. Especially because info in CD booklets does often not apply to a standard, so the available information would have to go to different fields depending on genre, label and overall production style. E.g. I often missed a "mastered by" field, while in popular music the "conducted" field often does not have that much sense (but of course it has in classical/large ensemble music). A credits list would help to add anything needed and be able to have a good overview at hand (via search) in which projects a person was involved.