Ability to select a nested sort order for the column views

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Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Ability to select a nested sort order for the column views

Post by Siriosys »

Would it be possible to add a 'Sort by' option to the main views so that it becomes possible to sort your collection on any of the fields?

It would be idea if it's possible to have more than one sort criteria. Eg, By Artist, By Year, Album Title etc etc.


Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: Ability to select a nested sort order for the column views

Post by Siriosys »

Oops - Disregard my last post.....My apologies, I forgot to read the help text. However, if somebody is reading this. Here is what it says about sorting.

You can also sort by multiple columns to a depth of 6 columns. When you change column, it sub-sorts by what was last sorted so you want to click on the columns in reverse order i.e. if you want to sort your collection by Title, Artist and My Rating, sort the Title column first, then Artist, then My Rating; the sorting will now be My Rating, and where those are equal Artist, and where those are equal Title.
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