Pocketpedia: Edit *pedia collections

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Pocketpedia: Edit *pedia collections

Post by kherge »

Great software! After downloading Pocketpedia and adding my collections, I liked it soo much that I purchased DVDpedia, Gamepedia, and Bookpedia.

There's only one thing that I would like to see added to Pocketpedia:

The ability to edit collections in the other *pedias.

Now that I primarily use the desktop *pedias to manage my collections, I want to be able to edit them on Pocketpedia and re-sync them later to update the collections on the desktop.
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Re: Pocketpedia: Edit *pedia collections

Post by Nora »

Editing in Pocketpedia and backwards synching are both on our feature request list for the future. Thanks for the feedback.
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