Can 3.6 Versions Work with 4.3 Data?

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Can 3.6 Versions Work with 4.3 Data?

Post by Fritz »


I had a crash of my iMac hard drive running 10.4.11, and had the 4.3 versions of the Pedias. All my Pedia folders stored in the Application Support folder were backed up on an external hard drive.

While the new iMac's hard drive is being replaced, I have switched to my older, backup iMac, which runs 10.2.8, so I know only the 3.6 versions of the Pedias will work. I downloaded Bookpedia 3.6, loaded in the registration number, but could not access the data backed up in the 4.3 Bookpedia folder taken from the Application Support backup folder. Am I doing something wrong, or is it not possible to use 4.3 data in a 3.6 version of the Pedia?

With my thanks in advance,
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Re: Can 3.6 Versions Work with 4.3 Data?

Post by Conor »

Hi Fritz,

Version 3.6 does not recognize the new 4.x database. The old version was XML (info.xml file), the new version is faster SQL (Database.pediadata file). If you need to go to version 3.6 you need to do and export of your data to .bookpedia format from 4.x and then import those collections in version 3.6. (You will lose a little bit of data as there are fields in 4.x that do not exist in 3.6 e.i. custom 5 - 10, tags ...). If you don't have access to any 10.4 OS X, email us the Database.pediadata file in the folders and we can do the export for you or simply verify that the file is okay if you just wish to wait for your iMac to get back from repairs.
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