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Re: What about laserdiscs?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:16 pm
by Conor
You must be referring to the full screen mode as the cover flow view will keep the image ratio. In the full screen mode it is a design decision and not a technical limitation as Bookpedia and Gamepedia keep the actual image ratio of their items. In the case of DVDpedia and CDpedia it's more important to avoid the slight variations in size. Thanks for the feedback.

Re: What about laserdiscs?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:57 am
by thevideojunkie
Let me add my voice to the chorus singing for a plugin for DVDPedia. While I have 1808 DVDs and 51 Blu-rays, my collection of 831 laserdiscs is still growing, too. ( know -- I'm an addict!) I'd like to be able to manage all my movies in one program.

The LDDB database provides LD reference number, title, release date, video, specs, country and UPC, and in many cases cover images. I can deal with manually adding director and actors names or getting them from, but it'd be nice if we LD collectors could automate the essential LDDB data fields.

Scanning a LD into my 'pedia with my barcode scanner would be so very nice.

Re: What about laserdiscs?

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:18 am
by patherto
I disagree about the efficacy of LDDB for the purposes of DVDpedia. LDDB doesn’t list the director, the stars, the date the film was released, the writer, the producer… in short, all the things *I* want to know about a film. LDDB concentrates on the physical qualities of the disc—how many discs in the set, the “mint mark”, whether it’s CAV or CLV, etc. None of this information would fit into the DVDpedia schematic. Personally, I manually copy the information into the DVDpedia slots, and while this takes a few minutes it gives me what I want. LDDB has its uses, just very little for me.