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Re: Help Customizing dfProHTML Export Template?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:47 pm
by Conor
Should folders only contain collections, never individual entries?
I was a bit confused by the question, so I was not sure how to answer it. fFolders can only contain collections, it's impossible to put an individual entry in a folder?

Thank you for helping out other users in the forum, with your replies on the other threads. 8)

Re: Help Customizing dfProHTML Export Template?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:09 pm
by sjk
I'd never tried explicitly adding an entry to a folder (e.g. With Add DVD…), and got a warning dialog when testing that now:


And it's impossible to drag entries into folders. After discovering some entries in collection-less folders I expected to be empty I was wondering how they might have gotten there and if they belonged. Now I understand it's possible those were side effects of a bug you've fixed and not normal/intentional for them to be there, i.e. "Folders can only contain collections" as you said. So, I'll send you the database.pediadata if any entries mysteriously show up in empty folders again.

Thanks for the thanks re: replies. Hopefully a partial answer to certain questions can be helpful. I'd rather stop before it becomes inaccurate or misleading, deferring to Bruji's more authoritative followup. :)

Re: Help Customizing dfProHTML Export Template?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:26 am
by Conor
That was that bug you helped us fix in the latest version where an entry deleted from an excluded collection inside a folder would stay inside the folder. So that shouldn't happen anymore.