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Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:45 pm
by phylippe

I try to use a CueCat or a Logitech WebCam on my MacBook and it don't work.
I use Mac OS X Snow Leopard and CDPedia 4.5.5 registered.
Using iSight is not easy, and why my Mac don't know CueCat ?

If you have an idea, thank's to let me know how I can do.



Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:25 pm
by Conor
Hi Phylippe,

The CueCat will work with the pedias. Call up the add window with the plus button on the toolbar and then scan a CD. Once you get it working, be sure to turn on the "Add first result" in the preference panel to avoid having to interact with the computer between scans. If the CueCat still fails try scanning into a TextEdit document and let me know what output you are getting from the CueCat.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:33 am
by phylippe

I try again and now I read barcode with CueCat.
But not the good one.
The notice tell : swipe from left to right.
When the barcode is near from the border of the CD case, it's easier to swipe from right to left. And the result is the same.
I got : (à§à&àèèé'(!è when I expect 5060107724587
Strange, isn't it ?

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:34 am
by Conor
This would be an issue with your CueCat. As the information should come as the barcode or as an encoded version that starts with a period "." .

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:58 am
by phylippe
The information comes like I wrote. Any sign before or after.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:12 pm
by martial
I recently acquired a "ZBA Z-3080" (USB) on eBay and it works like a charm with DVDPedia

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Pedias

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:39 am
by phylippe
phylippe wrote:The information comes like I wrote. Any sign before or after.
I've the solution : I change the keyboard for US Keyboard when I read barcode and it works.
Then I go back to french keyboard.



Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:17 am
by questionablefigure

I was hoping you would be able to tell me whether these barcode scanners works with the Pedias? Thanks. If not, what is another cheap scanner other than the cuecat?

I only really want to use Bookpedia for ISBNs.

Thanks a lot!

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:57 am
by Conor
We don't personally have any of these scanners, but they should all work. Tethered (cable connected) scanners tend to work by emulating the keyboard, so they are quite compatible with most applications (we can't tell it apart from a person actually typing in EANs – 13 digit ISBNs). Could be a user has one of these models of scanners and can tell you more from experience.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:05 am
by Nora
Just a little trick we recently heard from a user who purchased a new scanner (ACAN) and had trouble getting it to work – it turned out to be the wireless keyboard that was inhibiting the scanner. As soon as he switched keyboards (i.e. to a USB one) the scanner worked fine.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:47 pm
by jayemmm
I have the DvdPedia on trial but would like to purchase a memory scanner with USB.
I have too many items to drag to the computer so memory is a must.
Has anyone had success with LaserChamp II and if so , do I need to purchase the Serial port to USB " optional cable " and the serial magic program ?
I found the Serialio web page a little busy and confusing.
Of course , I am no genius , LOL .


J M.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:39 am
by Conor
We haven't tested the "LaserChamp II" specifically but it does contain the same Bluetooth chip that is used in the Flic scanner. There should be no problem using the scanner with DVDpedia's bluetooth option enabled without cable or Serial Magic.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:41 am
by jayemmm
Conor wrote:We haven't tested the "LaserChamp II" specifically but it does contain the same Bluetooth chip that is used in the Flic scanner. There should be no problem using the scanner with DVDpedia's bluetooth option enabled without cable or Serial Magic.
Thanks Connor.

So , if I choose the non bluetooth , I then opt for the cable?
So what of serial magic with the cable/memory scanner ?
Apologies if I am asking obvious questions , but it seems the only way I'll know the answers !

J M.

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:03 am
by Conor
Without the Bluetooth you would then need the USB cable in order to get the data out of the scanner. When plugged in via USB a scanner is an input device and acts just like a keyboard to DVDpedia. When downloading the saved EANs from memory they will be delivered quickly, hence DVDpedia needs to be in multiple add mode in order to capture all the incoming numbers. Another option to have log the incoming numbers is to capture the data into a text file, in order to save the numbers and then copy paste that list of numbers into the DVDpedia add multiple window, that will separate the numbers based on the new line. So the question to research from LaserChamp would be if saved memory can be transferred to the Mac without special software like Serial Magic?

Re: Barcode scanners and cameras that work well with the Ped

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:27 am
by jayemmm
Connor ,
Once again , thank you.
Guess I will shoot an e-mail off to Serialio, hoping for something ..simple.

J M.