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Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:41 am
by lesslinger
I have a problem that no one else seems to have. I have an iPhone 4 with software 4.1. I also have a Mac Pro, which does not have WiFi, but when I opened up PP2 it sees the computer. When I clicked on the sync button it tells me “synchronizing… requesting collections” and disappears immediately without doing anything. I hardly try uninstalling the program and reinstalling it, I've tried rebooting my computer, using beta software for DVDPedia, etc. I've made sure that on my network to IPv6 is enabled and fall of everybody's suggestions on this thread. Only thing I couldn't do is create a private WiFi because my Mac Pro does not have built-in WiFi. Can someone please try and help me out. I'm almost to the point of looking for different software to use because I think it sucks that we can no longer get updates. I understand Amazon forced them to hold the software from the iTunes store, but this must be sheer laziness because they could have went another direction like say IMDb or maybe follow the guidelines to put a backup. One saw from looking at is iCollect movies pro, but there is no software for the Mac that allows them to seek together. Again, I hope someone can help me in fixing my problem synchronizing these two programs. Thank you.

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:54 pm
by sjk
lesslinger wrote:I understand Amazon forced them to hold the software from the iTunes store, but this must be sheer laziness because they could have went another direction like say IMDb or maybe follow the guidelines to put a backup.
Sheer laziness? You "must be" joking. Making a negative accusation like that, especially without any evidence and in your first post here, doesn't leave a good impression.

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:13 pm
by kbarnes70
sjk wrote:
lesslinger wrote:I understand Amazon forced them to hold the software from the iTunes store, but this must be sheer laziness because they could have went another direction like say IMDb or maybe follow the guidelines to put a backup.
Sheer laziness? You "must be" joking. Making a negative accusation like that, especially without any evidence and in your first post here, doesn't leave a good impression.
Ignorant, uninformed comment I'm afraid. You're right sjk - it leaves a definite impression - and it's far from good.

Lesslinger: there is no software company on this planet that goes so far out of its way as Bruji to meet, and to exceed, customer expectations in every area. I suggest you read the full history of PocketPedia and Amazon before you come to such erroneous and unfounded conclusions.

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:56 pm
by Conor
Thank you for coming to the defense of Bruji. Nobody is more upset than us at not being able to update Pocketpedia with the original road map we intended. It's not as simple as you make it sound, there are no guidelines that would allow us to use Amazon data on a mobile device. However, we are on schedule to once again bring Pocketpedia to the App Store next year. With new iOS features including file access via iTunes as an alternative for syncing for those few users that have problems with the wireless sync.
I have a problem that no one else seems to have.
We would love to help you find a solution to your problem but due to its uniqueness we need more details. Please do send us the console logs after trying a sync, both from the iPhone and computer. For the computer use the program called Console in your Utilities folder. For the iPhone use a program you can download from Apple called iPhone Configuration Utility. With that we might be able to pinpoint what the problem might be.