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Suggestion - side by side view on update

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:10 am
by SeanM

First I just purchased DVDPedia today after spending a few weeks looking at your competition. You were the clear winner and when I took a look at your forums and the level of support you offer, well it just made me all the happier about my decision.

I do have one suggestion though, well a few but they are all centered around the same idea.

I would like the ability to update a movie with a specific site, then be given a side by side view of the data...on the left have my current data and on the right have the site's data and be able to update the fields I select.

In the same spirit as that, it would be cool if I could right click on a field and say update with IMDB or Amazon or whatever and be given a side by side view of that one field with the option to cancel.

I hope that makes sense.

Thank you for your hard work on the software.


Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:56 am
by Conor
It's something that is on our features list. But always good to get more feedback and a slightly different approach. It requires quite a level of sophistication to get it right and make it feel intuitive. What we are looking at at the moment is adding some kind of undo for each updated field that would clearly be marked as being updated.

In the meantime, as a complicated work around, you can duplicate an entry via copy and paste. If you delete certain fields and then do 'get advance info' you will get updated information for all the fields that were blank, and if your not satisfied you have the copy of the entry to go back to.

Thank you for the feedback.