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Bookpedia - Printed booktags?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:07 am
by The Swede
I tend to add books at an irregular basis. Sometimes I get home from an antiquarian dealer with a pile of books and wait with registering them, I might just not have the time.

Earlier - in my PC-days using a Windows program (yuk..) - I simply added maybe ten or twenty books at an evening and then I marked the just-added books by adding a small printed note (see the added picture) sized 10 x 21 cm. (Yep, an A4-sheet cut in three.)

That paper was folded at the top and put in the book. That way I obtained two very, very practical things;
1. I knew which books that had been added to the database, already at the bookshelf!
2. I could lend a book to a friend without going to the computer. Just give him/her the book and keep the slip and enter it later. Very handy when standing in the hallway talking books and just fetch it to him on-the-go.
(3. It looks neat in the book...)

Therefor, my wish-tip-request is:
Give me the opportunity to print a preset template for only the selected book/s. Preferrably via a userdefined quick-button at the top.

Could that be done?

Kind regards
//The Swede


Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:19 am
by Conor
Thanks for the detailed post. It something we hope to make possible when we improve the export command. In the meantime you will need two extra step, use command-shift-N to create a new collection with selection and then export that. The second extra step is hitting the delete key to remove the collection after doing the export, although you might want to name it something and keep it around, as it can be useful to have the same collection in the computer as the last printed sheet.