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Change source for user reviews

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:41 pm
by llaack
It would be great to have an option to use IMDB user ratings rather than Amazon by default. The 10-point system is more detailed and I've found the Amazon ones often include factors such as Amazon shipping time, which obviously are not relevant. Granted there is a workaround that involves deleting all Amazon ratings and then updating the IMDB info, but this takes forever for a large collection. TIA for consideration.

Re: Change source for user reviews

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:05 am
by KiplingCat
llaack wrote:It would be great to have an option to use IMDB user ratings rather than Amazon by default.
I'd go one step further and make IMDB the default and give users the option of using Amazon's ratings. :)