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[DVDPedia] Update list

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:10 am
by gade

I was looking at my list of DVDs today and wanted to update the IMDB score in the viewer rating column for all my movies. I sadly discovered that I had to clear the entries one by one, before doing the update for any chances to happen.

Is there any way to clear a whole column of entries or any way to force DVDPedia to update the information without clearing the field? If no, could this be part of a future release?

A cool feature would be to have a global list, that indicated where you wanted to get information from. So you would say: "Director, cast, viewer rating, user comments" -> IMDB, "Title, Release Date, Aspect ratio, (stuff related to the specific DVD release)" ->, "ASIN, UPC, IMDB id" -> Don't touch. Then be able to perform a complete list update. Might even be done at program launch.

Just my 2 eurocents ;o)


Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:13 am
by Conor
To clear a field for a number of DVDs select them and choose edit. This will bring up the multiple edit panel and check the check mark next to the viewer rating to tell it to update that field but leave it blank. Then run get more info from the advance menu on the same selection to update the information.

Thank you for the feedback. We want to improve the way more information is gathered so that you can choose to overwrite fields that are already filled with new information.