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Bookpedia - add McNally Robinson/Chapters to Search

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:04 am
by EricBarstad
Sorry, I don't know what's possible with the search feature, but it would be great if McNally Robinson ( and/or Chapters Indigo ( could be added to the sites that get searched. Typically, Amazon catches everything for me, but I use Bookpedia primarily for cataloguing Canadian poetry books, which sometimes don't make it to Amazon, but are listed on the other two.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:29 am
by Nora
The Pedias are expandable via search plug-ins so yes, those sites could be added to the search sites. However our list of plug-in requests is long already so we can't promise when or if those sites will make it. But thanks for bringing them to our attention - we've added them to the list.

If you have some programming experience you could also write the plug-ins yourself; starting with the source code of another plug-in and modifying it can ease the development of the plug-in.
At the moment you need to be comfortable with Xcode or at least willing to give Cocoa programming a try but we hope to make it simpler in the future. (Cocoa is not as intuitive for parsing an HTML source as other programming languages so it does require some programming skill.) If this is something you would be interested in let me know and we can send you the Xcode project with source code.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:45 am
by EricBarstad
Thanks, Nora. Unfortunately for me, I'm not a programmer. Thank you for adding those two sites to the list. The Pedias are great, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeves. :)