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Remote Database refreshing

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:47 am
by swiss1939
I use bookpedia for work and run multiple computers accessing my database over afp. When you have bookpedia running on one and make changes to the database on a second computer the changes don't show up on the first unless you quit and relaunch the app. It would be nice to have the program automatically update every so often. Even with the rebuild database, it doesn't update the edited information.

I've also requested this before and I still think it would be great to have more control over the market price selecting which website to retrieve that from and/or have it take the average of the used prices as the market.

One other thing would be cool if bookpedia would retrieve advanced info for the whole database every time you launched so that book market prices would be up to date every time you launch, signifying trends up or down.

requests aside. best money spent on an app ever!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:18 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. The next version it will be even better at staying in sync with the database between two machines.

We are splitting the market price into two fields that will make it clearer what market price stands for; one for the lowest used price and one for the lowest new price as this is what we get from Amazon. You can always request all the current prices for a particular item using the Amazon Marketplace command.

We also have on our feature list integrating the variation in price over a period of time as Amazon provides this date on request.

Thrilled that you find Bookpedia worth the money.