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format modifications

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:45 pm
by a_designer
First, thank you for the update, and for making it free. It seems quite nice.

I have a couple of formatting requests for future consideration.

1) Can you make it an option to turn off the book "reflection"? (Sorry, but I think it is annoying and distracting from the information I am more interested in, the cover art itself.)

2) Is there any possibility that the information of the book info view can again appear on the same line rather than be stacked vertically? It isn't necessary to allocate a full line to the "Release" date, "ISBN," or "Pages." I realize that these are now customizable fields, as to whether I want them but some compacting of the information would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:20 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. Will keep those in minds we already have improvements we like to do; it's the nature of software. We are concentrating on some Leopard enhancements since that will be released soon and then will be able to continue with our regular programming.