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bookpedia cover image filenaming

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:52 pm
by swiss1939
Is it possible to set a user defined filename convention for the cover images? (ie. cover filenames = collection ID #) As I am using bookpedia for database management of abebooks seller account with over 1500 titles, exporting tab delimted text file for abebooks upload... this would allow greater compatibility with their image uploading abilities requiring the cover file to use the collection ID #.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:25 am
by Nora
The cover names have to stay identical so that the program knows what to look for when it displays covers. But you can rename the cover images for your export like this:

Copy paste the text below into a plain text file and save it in your Templates folder under User/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Templates. (You have to change [you] to your actual Username.)

Code: Select all

mkdir ~/Desktop/CoverImages
cp "/Users/[you]/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Covers/[key:uid].jpg" "/Users/[you]/Desktop/CoverImages/[key:collectionID].jpg"
Or download [url=bookpedia:// ...]the template[/url]. It will automatically install itself in Bookpedia in User/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Templates/CoversNamedByCollectionID.txt. You will still need to open it with a text editor and change [you] for your Username.

Now export your library with the new template from under the Text tab in the export. The export will create a file with commands that you can then copy paste into the Terminal to have it copy your cover images to the desktop in a folder called CoverImages and named after your collection ID instead of the number assigned by Bookpedia.
(You'll find the Terminal application under Applications/Utilities. If you have some Terminal experience, you could get fancy and add #bash and make it an executable for easier use.)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:31 am
by swiss1939
thanks! great response.