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Ability to quickly browse through drawer contents in CDPedia

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:03 pm
by Siriosys
I've been mucking about with the adding new entries and advanced CD editting in CDPedia and am finding the task of editing entries very time consuming due to the way the 'drawer' functions.

There needs to be a way to quickly browse through the list of choices that are present to the user when the 'source' option has been selected. Eg, freeDB can result in some 10 entries for a given CD. Some of these are correct, and some are not, however the only way I can see what is in each entry is to click it allowing it to add it and then cancelling so as not to save my change if the detail is incorrect or not to my liking. Then repeating this process over and over until I find the correct one. Not so good if one uses Discogs.

Would it be possible to maybe have a pop-up window alongside the drawer that shows the contents of each choice as it is highlighted? When you find the one you want, simply double-clicking it will update your album record within the DB.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:18 am
by danco
Yes, better drawer selection as you suggest would be very useful.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:40 am
by Siriosys
Also to add further, the popup window would need to include at the least, the trackname, composer/artist, track time, and possibly any image. I have struck a number of times where one listing has the tracks in the wrong order, is missing the track durations, or even has the artists listed against the wrong tracks.

The individual track artist/composer/performer is becoming more and more important as compilation albums become more prevalent, where the Album title and artist / DJ don't indicate who is in fact on the album.

It just strikes me that the 'work-flow' of my method mentioned in my post above is taking 2 steps forward and 1 backward.


Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:56 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. We had an undo option here to deal with the wrong choice, but it had a bug in it and we had to disable it for the current version; hopefully will be able to bring it back soon; otherwise will look at your suggestions for changing the work flow.