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DVDPedia Notes

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:08 pm
by dwlarry
Last evening I was interrupted while watching the History Channel's Universe DVD series and it dawned on me that there was no current method to post a note on this DVD set as a reminder of where to restart the series ..., i.e disc #, elapsed time, etc. or simple comments that could be viewed by simply clicking a 'Notes ICON', preferably visible on the displayed DVD cover ... sorta like the current Banners idea, only interactive via a mouse click. I thought wow what a great idea ... think I'll run this by the Bruji crew and get their take on such a thing being implemented. whatdayathink?


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:33 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. In the meantime don't forget you can achieve a similar notice by using a custom field and a smart collection. Add the information of where you left off to one of the custom fields and create a smart collection where this custom field is not [blank]. This way grouping all the movies and series that you still have to finish in one collection, where you an view the information in the info view or even add that column to the table view in that collection.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:32 am
by dwlarry
Yeah ... I know about, and use the custom fields as well as the smart collections quite a bit ... but it's not quite the same is it? This method requires quite a bit of clicking, planning, typing & forethought merely to jot dowm a short 2-5 word reminder memo, one, mind you that could be identified simply by noticing an ICON on the dvd poster while perusing the db, and still allowing the ability to do all the things you mentioned in your post. From a user pov it's simple,fast, efficient and elegant.

Thanks for your consideration, this is still hands down the best DVD cataloging db i've used, & I currently have close to 3000 DVDs, cataloged, tagged, trailers, reviews, clips, photos, personal comments, personal ratings, cast lists, production notes, awards, prices, collections by year, genre, actor, director, studio, rating etc. I could go on and on, but you get the point ... thanx for a terrific job of coding.
