Bookpedia as Comicpedia

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Bookpedia as Comicpedia

Post by alexblom »

I´m using the bookpedia to keep track of my comic books. And it works great for this as well.

I really like the newest update with coverflow. GREAT JOB.

But I really would like a function in info view - (can´t write plugins myself).
A way to add apparences of characters would be great, with pictures. Should have some kind of drop down meny when you add a new (comic)book or something.
There must of course be some where to also make a libery for these.

Is this possible to make, or does someone know about somone who can do it for me.


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Re: Bookpedia as Comicpedia

Post by Wildcat »

+ 1 :mrgreen:

I'm trying to adapted bookpedia myself, and I'm not, no, really not an expert (take a look here.)

Don't know if comicpedia may exist one day, but this would be great !!
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