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Changing Views more convenient

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:26 am
by TheMatador
Because there are now 3 good views available, I would like to change the views more easily, as in finder , with the hotkeys Cmd +1,2,3. It's realy unconvenient to push 3 keys at once and for the coverflow view, there isn't any hotkey yet. what do you think?

Re: Changing Views more convenient

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:07 pm
by Conor
Sounds good. As command-1, 2, 3, 4 also change view inside the editing panel. We also use command-1 to bring the main window forward as this used to be what iTunes used to have, although they now have option-command-1 (I wonder what they reserve command-1 for). Sounds like we can implement what you're asking to make the view commands easier to remember, look for it in the next update.

Re: Changing Views more convenient

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:58 pm
by TheMatador
Cmd + 1 in itunes changes the video window to original size. In iTunes I don't like and don't use this a lot. I would like to have the Cmd+1,2,3 hotkeys for the Views (list, Cover, Coverflow) , not for the window size of the video. I think they did it because of the consistency to quicktime.
Anyway, it would be great if you do it like in the finder.