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New sexy Fullscreen View (dvdpedia)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:30 pm
by TheMatador
I would like to have a better Fullscreen View in DVDpedia. The current one is nice, but you can only see 5 Covers, finding a movie in a large library is difficult and takes to long and die info view isn't that good.
Here is a small demonstration how a better fullscreen view could look and work like.

For the GUI, I used some Piclens screenshots and modiefied them, and put everything in keynote and exportert it to a movie.


What do you think? I hope something like that will be implementet in one of the next big versions. :)

Re: New sexy Fullscreen View (dvdpedia)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:38 pm
by TheMatador
maybe it's possible to do this also as HTML export template. Does someone has experiences with flash or something else and could do this ?
Otherwise I have to learn flash..... ;)
By the way, there is allready a HTML tempalte (Three Views) available, which looks quite similar.

Re: New sexy Fullscreen View (dvdpedia)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:02 pm
by TheMatador
Now there is a HTML Export Template looking allmost like this. Only some small modifications to make the interface better for the web and the rotation animation is still missing. Don't know how to do this. Anyone know how? See live demo....

Re: New sexy Fullscreen View (dvdpedia)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:24 am
by Conor
The sliding tabs are very impressive. You have a knack for finding interesting javascript to add to the exports. I think we might add it to a reworked version of the white template that would look nice with just covers.

Re: New sexy Fullscreen View (dvdpedia)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:24 am
by TheMatador
I don't have a html template called "white" which export covers. you probably mean the covers template which exports covers on a white background. yeah, would look much better with some smooth animations :).
another nice effect would be some refections (on all covers or at least in the last row). That could be done with the reflex.js script, used in threeviews in the details view. I'm working on making threeviews template better and let you know when it's finished. :)

Re: New sexy Fullscreen View (dvdpedia)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:38 am
by Conor
With white template I was referring to this one: Alex. I like its simplicity, it could be kind of nice to get the star rating and director right under the cover as well. Those are just ideas I had when I saw your new version. I look forward to your finished template.