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iPhoto Integration

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:23 pm
by sitenoise
I mentioned before about wishing to have image manipulation integrated more into the program, you know, this program you've written to organize DVDs? ;)

I don't know how/if you could accomplish something like iPhoto integration even if you wanted to. But, just in case, a couple reasons I'm wishing for something like that are:
  • It's about showing off your stuff elegantly while still having control over searching and data entry. (The Matador's idea of full screen browsing comes to mind, and yeah, the three views template is pretty cool if you download the plug-in)
  • I really want a revert to original command. I mess up on some posters that were fairly difficult to track down. :(
  • One thing I love about iPhoto gallery action is the Events view that crops and squeezes the photos to all be a uniform size. (When I was using Delicious Library, basically just to get data about films, I still created a second db in iPhoto because it was so much more pretty to look at. I'll never understand why DL gets those design awards, it's the silliest looking program I think I've ever seen. I hated looking at it.
  • Lastly, I'd like a better way to keep more than one poster per film. Linking to a second or third one and then having it just open up in Preview is bogus. For me. Maybe I'm just missing something better to do.
I don't have a .Mac account, but I'll bet if you did and you could funnel your dvdpedia through iPhoto to get it on an iWeb, or whatever, that might be cool. I searched the forum to see if iPhoto had been brought up before and noticed a few posts about using it to get information onto an iPod. The future is handheld. They say.

Re: iPhoto Integration

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:25 am
by Conor
Thank you for the detailed feedback. It helps immensely to know why the feature is important and how you would use it. There are so many things to do, one of which is integrate multiple covers into the program better. You should be able to view them inline inside the info view without having to go to Preview (you likely have "open links in external browser" preference checked). We also have integration directly with iWeb without having to go to iPhoto (under the file menu). I just wanted to point some features out you might overlooked, but none of them help with your original covers and extensive manipulation of the images and will keep that in mind when doing future updates.

Re: iPhoto Integration

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:10 am
by TheMatador
Why isn't the iWeb export in the standard export available. I also overlooked it, and maybe we war not the only ones.
Concerning the problem showing more pictures of a movie , for example in the info view....
the info view is as far as I know also only some HTML code, so it should be possible to implement a modified sliding tabs java script animation for showing the additonal images in a small frame. watch the demo:

the aditional images could be saved as the original cover image, but maybe with a suffix e.g . a,b,c,...
but probably there are some more issues which have to be taken to account.