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Subsequent "updates" after an HTML export

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:21 pm
by ltcarter47
Hi Guys,

Say I've exported my library via HTML and put it on my idisk. I add a title or two and want to update my site. Is the only option to do a full export again and replace the original? Or is there a way to "update" the site so it doesn't have to upload a full 25-80MB(depending on my image quality settings)?

Sorry if this is in the help files. I'm at work without my mac and can't stop thinking about my DVD collection... :roll:


Re: Subsequent "updates" after an HTML export

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:54 pm
by Conor
If you use the internal .Mac export feature, it will update the existing covers on a needed basis, so you don't have to do the entire upload. The button should read "Update" instead of "Upload" when a folder with the same site name is detected.

Re: Subsequent "updates" after an HTML export

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:23 pm
by ltcarter47
An oldie, but I have a quick follow up question.

Is there a way to use the MobileMe export for more than 1 template? I have my normal template that I use and update regularly, but I also like to use the iPhone HTML template. I've been exporting the iPhone site manually and replacing the previous one each time I update it. I don't suppose there's a way to "update" a second site as well, or is there?


Re: Subsequent "updates" after an HTML export

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:24 am
by Conor
Just change the template in HTML and then the name of the folder under MobileMe. When you press the preview button it will go online and determine if the site exists and if an update can be done. So the update is not linked to a particular site or template, you can switch between both uploads.

But if you have an iPhone there is no longer a need for the iPhone HTML export, use Pocketpedia!

Re: Subsequent "updates" after an HTML export

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:32 pm
by ltcarter47
Fantastic! Thanks so much, this is going to save a lot of uploading time.

As for Pocketpedia, I use it and love it! But the reason I use the sites as well is so friends and family can see what I have, because I always get asked if I have anything good that they can borrow, so this makes it easy ;) And since more and more of them have iPhones, it's nice to be able to direct them to a compatible site.

Re: Subsequent "updates" after an HTML export

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:02 pm
by Conor
I have to get used to the the idea that he iPhone is more and more the way to browse the web. Uploading an iPhone optimized version for friend and family is very forward thinking.