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search in DVDPedia

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:48 am
by MikeB
While the search as it is now works if you are looking for a specific film, I would like also a different kind of search. It would be nice if we could configure the search fields the way we can now configure other windows in the program. For example, I have about 500 DVDs and frequently the question comes up: Which film should we watch tonight? This means, for example, comedy or drama, made in which decade (not "in which year"), directed by or starring, etc. I hope this is something that can be added. But, I still like it as it is now.

Re: search in DVDPedia

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:20 am
by Conor
A temporary smart collection is great for this. You can create a smart collection with all the criteria you would like to watch that night:

"genre is comedy"
"release is after 1990"
"release is before 2000"

Then use the search field for further fast refining, add Tom Hanks then change that for Meg Ryan. The "select random movie" feature found under the View menu also becomes very useful in these situations. Once you're getting close to a decision, if you drop into full screen mode there's also a useful command to show movies with the same actors as the selected movie.