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Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:24 am
by Ally

I would like to know if Bruji's amazon affiliate tag "brujicom-21" will be removed or at least editable when purchasing the Bookpedia software.
In a demo version I understand it but if I pay I would like to replaceBruji's amazon affiliate tag with mine of course :mrgreen:

Thank you!

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:05 am
by Nora
To replace our affiliate ID for your own, open the Edit window for an entry and replace 'brujicom-21' in the URL field with your ID. If you're creating a web page or export, you can do this with a batch 'find and replace' on the HTML after the export.

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:11 am
by Ally
Thank you Nora for your answer :D so there is no automatic remove :roll:

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:57 am
by Ally
There's an update but still nothing about this :?

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:21 pm
by Conor
We don't have any plans to add an automatic removal replace process for the current versions.

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:04 am
by michele654
I'm looking at posting our church lending library on the church website, and would like to add our own affiliate id. I looked at this topic, but in the html files, my URLs look like this:

Code: Select all

<a href="">
As you can see, there is no Brujicom-21 in this link. Has the formatting of the links changed? How do I associate this with the church's affiliate id?



Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:46 pm
by Nora
The brujicom-21 tag is for the French Amazon site. For the Amazon US site the tag you want to replace is "ldvd-20". (Unfortunately Amazon doesn't let us have the same tag for each locale, sorry for the confusion.)

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:11 am
by vid-pac-rat
Um, could you step-by-step it out for the clueless (like me)?
I would MOST love to edit out the Amazon link in Pocketpedia!


Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:58 am
by Nora
You'll find the Amazon link under the Extras tab of the Edit window, in a field called 'URL'. Either delete that data in that field completely or replace the tag of the URL with your own. Also remove the ASIN, which you can do in a batch by selection all the entries and then checking the ASIN field in the multiple edit.

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:13 am
by vid-pac-rat
Hi Nora,
Under the "Edit Extra Info..." there are no URL's to delete! Still, under the 'Info" window, below "Credits", are several Amazon suggestions that they profile from that movie info. Is the ASIN the ID they're using to profile that entry? No URL's show, but they are live links. Obviously they got permission from Bruji to do that. They didn't ask MY permission, and I consider it spyware!

Regardless what they use, I hate it like I hate Google, Amazon, DoubleClick, and the countless other data-miners sucking our lives for their profit! I hate them almost as much as the massive scam of Microsoft. Yes, this really bugs me. I want them out of MY database! Even if I do occasionally use Amazon US for additional info that IMDb may not provide, (special edition covers, related UPC's, etc.), that doesn't give them any right to embed hidden links...

I'm sorry Nora, but clearly, this is a major issue to me.

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:50 am
by Conor
There was a confusion as to what link you where referring to. For the similar products go into the preference for the program and under the fields tab change the display fields for pop up from "Add Edit Panel" to "Info View" and then look for "Similar Products" in the table and uncheck it.

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:17 am
by Ally
I agree with vid-pac-rat, as we already paid the license, there is no need to add your amazon ID... :? It's not right to do that.

I still hope we'll have an update about that, to remove or modify them all. I would prefer to use my amazon ID for example...

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:03 am
by gillesenvrac
So if I understand this correctly, Bruji is collecting $$ every time somebody is clicking a title on MY library (the one I built with my time and my money) ?

If this is not the case, and this link to Amazon is just a way of repaying the Big Amazon for the service of letting Bruji use it's servers for finding images and infos on the titles... in this case, Bruji is being robbed !

I would prefer Bruji being clear on this, and charging two prices for its Bookpedia : one with corporate links (which are, simply, ads) that should be free... and the other without ads that we could pay for. No ?

Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:14 pm
by kbarnes70
gillesenvrac wrote:So if I understand this correctly, Bruji is collecting $$ every time somebody is clicking a title on MY library (the one I built with my time and my money) ?
I can't imagine Amazon, or anyone else, paying commissions or affiliate fees simply for clickthroughs. They may well pay Bruji a commisison or fee for any items actually sold as a result of coming via a Bruji product of course, but that seems fair enough. I could of course be wrong and if so no doubt Conor or Nora or Alex will say so.

OTOH, if Bruji derive an income from Amazon, then this helps them keep the price of their superb software low, and that has to be a good thing surely?

I have no love for Amazon BTW and resent their preventing Bruji from releasing PocketPedia2 and for no doubt inhibiting a version of the Pedias for the iPad. Since Amazon adopted this line I have boycotted their UK site and have written to them (no answer) to tell them so.

Kind regards,


Re: Remove the amazon affiliate ID

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:23 am
by Nora
So if I understand this correctly, Bruji is collecting $$ every time somebody is clicking a title on MY library (the one I built with my time and my money) ?
No, as Keith already wrote, we do not receive money for clicks. Amazon pays a small commission (between 3-7%) to all its affiliates for sales that occur after someone clicks on an Amazon link but as mentioned previously in this thread, you're welcome to replace our Amazon affiliate ID with your own. (We use our Amazon commission money primarily to pay for Bruji advertising.) If you'd like to have no link at all to Amazon, you can customize your template and remove the Amazon link entirely ([key:amazonLink]).