Bookpedia and Spine View, Footnotes

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Bookpedia and Spine View, Footnotes

Post by jfh3 »

There are two features that, admittedly, may exist already, but I don't know about it or can't find it.

I'd love to have a cover flow using the book spines rather than the front cover. This view would match the way they look on the shelf (for those of us uptight enough to actually use Dewey or a card catalog to organize our shelves).

Another feature may be more difficult, but a way to export book information in a footnote format to a Word document. That may require some participation on MS' part, in which case I'll shut up. However, I think that folks who do a good deal of research and writing would benefit greatly from a feature like this.
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Re: Bookpedia and Spine View, Footnotes

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback. the first is a very interesting idea. As you are aware we do have an MLA bibliography export (Edit --> Copy as Bibliography) that could be used to copy paste footnote information into a Word document. I am not familiar with the formatting of a footnote, but we do want to expand the bibliography feature to include more formats than just MLA, when we do I will research footnotes.
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Re: Bookpedia and Spine View, Footnotes

Post by jfh3 »

Clearly, I am either lazy or an idiot... some would say both. I missed the MLA export feature. I'll check that out.

I am a pastor and have a very specific, but growing library. I have organized it by the Dewey system because it works well with the books that I have and will have. The idea of seeing the shelf in Bookpedia as it appears along my wall is VERY appealing to me. I may be in a VERY small number of folks that would benefit from that, but it'd be a great feature.
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Re: Bookpedia and Spine View, Footnotes

Post by Evertype »

Conor wrote:I am not familiar with the formatting of a footnote, but we do want to expand the bibliography feature to include more formats than just MLA, when we do I will research footnotes.
This would be splendid. It would be very useful to be able to export footnotes and regular bibliographies in one's preferred format. (Especially non-American formats, no offence intended.)

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