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Option not to create backup1Month.pediadata et al

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:55 am
by jenv
I would like an option to prevent the Pedias from creating backup files like backup1Month.pediadata. I do my own backups and would prefer my apps not create backup files unless I explicitly command them to do so.

Re: Option not to create backup1Month.pediadata et al

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:29 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. Download the betas: DVDpedia,Bookpedia,CDpedia,Gamepedia and run the following commands in the program called Terminal inside your utilities folder.

Code: Select all

defaults write com.bruji.dvdpedia NoAutomaticBackup -bool YES
defaults write com.bruji.bookpedia NoAutomaticBackup -bool YES
defaults write com.bruji.cdpedia NoAutomaticBackup -bool YES
defaults write com.bruji.gampedia NoAutomaticBackup -bool YES