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DVDpedia: Option to ignore certain cast entries

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:54 am
by jenv
When you are downloading cast entries, perhaps via a Get Advanced Info, it would be desirable to have an option to ignore entries with empty (or nothing but spaces, tabs, etc) fields in either the Actor or Role. The Amazon download seems to get lots of them.

Re: DVDpedia: Option to ignore certain cast entries

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:16 am
by Conor
Could you give me the ASIN number for the movies where it downloaded a space or a tab in the credits as this should not happen, with this information I can look into it.

Re: DVDpedia: Option to ignore certain cast entries

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:07 am
by jenv
Try this DVD:
Blackmore's Night: Castles & Dreams

Do a Get Advanced Info/Amazon US. Observe a credit for "Blackmore's Night" with an empty Role field.