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Request for DVdPedia

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:15 pm
by realityking

first thanks for this great software, without it my DVD Collection wouldn't be as much fun as it is now. :)

What I'd like to see is change how audio and countries appear in the stats. I think they should be more displayed like languages and subtitles. E.g. instead of:
DTS 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0: 2
Dolby Digital 5.1: 1
DTS 5.1: 4
DTS 6.1: 1

I'd like to see
Dolby Digital 2.0: 2
Dolby Digital 5.1: 3
DTS 5.1: 6
DTS 6.1: 1

Same thing for the production countries.

Also I'd like to see a preference or so to hide all actors/directors/writer/producers which only appear once.

It'd be very cool if the price and price paid fields wouldn't ignore currencies and instead calculate them to one currency for the stats and the value field at the bottom of the window.

Last but not least I'd love to not only see at the bottom of the window how much my collection is worth but also how much I've paid for it.


Re: Request for DVdPedia

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:12 am
by Conor
Hi realityking,

Try out the beta as you will find some of these things already changed. Countries will now be counted individually and not as a group. The edit field for countries will also be different; like the tags it will autofill one country at a time. The multiple edit will also handle differently for these fields, it will show the countries the selected movies have in common, and allow for the deletion of those countries or the appending of a country to the selection without replacing the current countries.

In the program preferences under the styles tab you will find a check box for displaying the total paid price alongside the total list value at the bottom of the window. Converting currencies is tricky but thank you for the feedback we have it on our possibilities list. In the meantime consider creating collection to separate the movies by currency, for an exact total of spending in each currency. If the currency is not important then you can manually convert the value.

The sound field was meant to be used for the main sound format of the movie and not as a multiple value field. However we built the statistics to be flexible. Find DVDpedia the program and control click it to "show package contents", navigate to and open it with a text editor. Look for "sound" and change "<integer>1</integer>" that follows it to "<integer>2</integer>". Save the file and run the statistics, sound will now be counted individually and not as a group. In an update this file would be replaced, the change will need to be done again or keep a copy of the new statistics.xml file to drop into updates.

Kind regards,