Manual Blue Note in CDpedia

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Manual Blue Note in CDpedia

Post by matra »

Forgive me if this is already a feature, I didn't see it to be. I would like to be able to manually add blue notes to tracks that I have in iTunes. I've found so far with the 2 CDs I've tried to import that hitting "refresh" doesn't add the blue notes - I'm only able to if I have the CD in and choose "Get iTunes CD info". I suspect this is due to small differences between how the tracks are listed in CDpedia vs. iTunes (as some have titles that are slightly different due to punctuation). It would be much nicer to be able to add the blue note manually, as getting the iTunes CD info overwrites the album cover and whatever other data was already in existence.

I'm having fun playing around with my trial version so far - thanks for the great product!
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Re: Manual Blue Note in CDpedia

Post by Conor »

The matching is done in real time, we don't keep any kind of information stored with the track. So adding a manual set blue note command would mean we would have to do some major changes to the database. We will keep it mind for a major version release. The matching is done not only based on the title but the artist as well, so the artist for the track (or the main artist for the CD if no artist is set at track level) have to match with the iTunes information. The matching is case insensitive but different punctuation will throw it off. Amending the track name directly so that it matches or adding the artist should add the blue note (in the current version you have to close the edit panel with ok and reopen it to see the note appear, in the beta it will update right after editing the track). Also the iTunes information is only updated weekly, so if you have recently imported the track into iTunes or updated the name in iTunes run the refresh command from under the help menu to force an immediate refresh of the information CDpedia uses to matches track name and artist.
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