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My Feature Request

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:10 pm
by Cocoaner

i'm a happy customer, .... since .... 4 hours ;)
+ 2 month trial periode (i was to lazy to start with my big library)

Four Features i am missing:

1) Search by Character Name
Sometimes i don't know the actor, title or director - but - the stupid character name like
John McClane <= (Bruce Willis in Die Hard 1 - 4)

2) The IMDB Importer does not import the tags :(
They're under "plot keywords" (like )
At the moment it's copy & paste into Smultron, Find & Replace via Regular Expression [\n] => , ...

3) A shortcut or menu-item to hide the left-side-bar with the cover, wishlist, library (german title: Sammlung)
So it's scriptable and i can easy switch to the cover-view without the sidebar and the table-view with the sidebar ;)

4) An useable documentation for plugin-development
My problem is, that i need informations in my custom fields, that aren't at imdb or elsewhere like
the codec/video-bitrates/audio-bitrates of the Blu-Ray, DVD or file. mplayer offers them in a pretty
easy parseable format with the -identify flag. So, to coolest way would be a possibilty to extend
the existing imdb parser with a delegate method like:

//btw: so i could import my tags myself, too ;)

Didn't find some think like that - is the only possibilty to build the plugin from scratch?

Re: My Feature Request

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:53 am
by Conor
Thank you for the detailed feedback. You did a thorough job of finding areas that could do with improvements and I have taken note of all of them. I had not thought of a delegate method for plug-ins to register for in order to add more information to the existing plug-ins, it's an interesting idea. We didn't import the tags as they are so extensive, most users would not find it useful. The development documentation that was written several years ago and could do with updating. I haven't update it as I tend to communicate personally via email with all plug-in developers. In the meantime if you would like to modify the IMDb plug-in you can find the source on this post. Putting all this source code on public version control system is also something I have to get done.

Re: My Feature Request

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:07 am
by Cocoaner
Conor wrote:We didn't import the tags as they are so extensive, most users would not find it useful.
Tags are the most useful way to browse a big movie library.

Nevertheless, I'm a software developer for a german ERP-System. So, i know customers, who think, that her
way to work with a program is the ultimate way to work with the program and who can't imagine, that other
customers don't work that way ;)
Conor wrote:In the meantime if you would like to modify the IMDb plug-in you can find the source on this post.
Already done ;)

I removed the resizable-feature of the panel, too ;)
Works pretty well.

Any interests in the source code? Tried to use ur development-style and even used the NSScanner and not this - super-easy-to-use regular expressions ;)

Re: My Feature Request

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:07 pm
by Conor
That was fast, very impressive programming skills. Do please email me the source code I would love to work your changes back into the next version of the plug-in. I completely forgot about the fact that IMDb plug-in already has an options sheet, that could be used to set a preference for the tags import. Regular expressions are extremely powerful I am just not a guru with them.

Re: My Feature Request

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:00 am
by Cocoaner
Conor wrote:That was fast, very impressive programming skills.
Thanks for the flowers. The original source was pretty well structured and easy to read. Nice job, dito!
Conor wrote:Do please email me the source code I would love to work your changes back into the next version of the plug-in.
Didn't find your mail-address. You have a private message with a download link.

Re: My Feature Request

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:13 am
by Conor
I have received the source code and integrate into the next version, thank you. Others looking to import the keywords as well look for it in the coming version.